Wednesday 13 May 2020


The most trending word on social media for 2020 will probably be COVID_19 . A virus like none other. A virus that became an epidemic and forced the economy of the world to its knees. The most spoked about topic; and according to many; conspiracy since the Kennedy assassination in 1963 or even the release of Nelson Mandela in 1990.

2020 will be remembered as a year where everything stopped. A year where so many lost everything and so many gained even more than usual. A year where more social media stars were created than movie stars. The year where you saw law obeying citizens in South Africa being locked up and criminals being released. The year where fuel became cheaper than pineapples and a year where masks became a compulsory fashion statement.

Now in this crazy new "normal" we see many people around the world turning against their governments and each other while subscribing to social media channels promoting that people should stand together. We see new politicians, scientist & influencers created out of plumbers, electricians, hairdressers and tour guides.

In reality the new normal became a terrifying place for most as we have no idea what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. As humans we are use to being in control and planned our days, weeks and year up to the last second. Around the globe masses are getting more restless and rallying to take to the streets to show their frustration, demanding answers and explanations.

Although I agree with some groups and strongly disagree with others. I have learned that none of this can be changed overnight. We created most of what is happening now ourselves giving too much power too some and too little credit to others. We create our own fear by reading and promoting false news and supporting wrong ideas. This is not a new trend as we did the same with the Y2K situation, also known as the millennium bug in the year 2000.

We follow movie and sport stars as if they were Gods and allow social media influencers to dictate what kind of clothes we buy or what music we listen to and even what we eat. We label people by the way they look or where the live and the vehicle they drive when in reallity non of this matters when  your time on earth is up and you are laid to rest in the same soil as the person standing next to you.

When did we lose the ability that was given to us to create and adapt and solve? In life you basically have two options. One you can sit back and let this virus control your life or you can get up and control the influence the virus will have on your life in the future. Maybe it is time to stop following and start leading. Stop waiting for something different and start being the difference.
 Let 2020 be known as the year when we were set free from outside influence and not the year that we were locked up as sheep.


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